Free Wealth for Health
Workout Programs
Free Wealth for Health
Workout Programs
Self Sustained Training - Healthy Lifestyle Survey
(You can remain anonymous if you'd like!)
First Name
Last Name
Section A: Barriers to Working Out and Eating Clean
1. What are the main reasons that make it challenging for you to work out regularly or maintain a clean eating routine? (Select all that apply)
Lack of time
Lack of motivation
Difficulty in sticking to a routine
Lack of knowledge about effective workout or nutrition practices
Financial constraints
Health issues or physical limitations
Other (please specify)
Specify here
2. If you have attempted to start a workout routine or eat clean in the past but quit, what were the primary reasons for discontinuing? (Select all that apply)
Lack of visible results or slow progress
Feeling overwhelmed or discouraged
Difficulty maintaining consistency
Unsupportive environment or lack of accountability
Insufficient guidance or resources
Unrealistic expectations or setting unattainable goals
Other (please specify)
Specify here
Section 2: Strategies for Sustainable Healthy Lifestyle
3. Imagine a world where you could design your own ideal approach to staying healthy. What strategies or elements would you include to ensure you stick with a healthy lifestyle? (Open-ended response)
4. At Self Sustained Training, we strive to provide comprehensive support on your journey towards a healthy lifestyle. Which of the following forms of support or resources do you believe would be most helpful to you? (Select all that apply)
a) Personalized workout plans or nutrition guides
b) Accountability partners or support groups
c) Access to knowledgeable fitness/nutrition coaches
d) Engaging and interactive fitness apps or platforms
e) Educational materials or workshops on healthy living
f) Regular progress tracking or goal-setting tools
g) Other (please specify)
Specify here
Thank you! Your input is very helpful!