If you can improve your FOOD, your POSTURE, and your WALKING, then you’ll be healthier guaranteed!
If you can change what you’re eating and how you’re moving, then you can completely change your entire standard of living. Almost all chronic pain comes from improper biomechanics (moving bad) and improper eating habits (eating bad). And if you can fix the way you move and fix the food you’re eating, then you will completely fix your unhealthy lifestyle.
I’ve had clients lose 100+ lbs off simply changing their diet and nutritional habits. And the information below is EXACTLY what I taught them.
Watch the first video below to change your eating habits
Watch the second video below to start fixing your posture.
Watch the third video below to begin fixing how you walk.
If we can fix the food we eat, how we hold our posture, and how we walk, then we can fix over 80% of being unhealthy. In just 30 minutes, you can completely change your standard of living. In just 30 minutes, you can learn what it takes to become the top version of yourself. And it’s COMPLETELY FREE.
The only cost of entry is that you pay attention.
In less than 5 minutes a day, you can begin fixing your chronic poor posture with 3 simple stretches!
Inflammatory Food
Most people don’t realize that the foods they are eating are inflammatory.
Inflammation is when the body’s immune system responds to an irritation of some kind. Most convenient/processed foods nowadays contain so many irritants (like added sugars and refined grains) and is so readily available that most people will inevitably adopt a less-optimal lifestyle. I grew up with 5 siblings in a divorced household with lower income conditions, so I completely understand the necessity for convenience. However, the majority of people choosing convenience over healthy is due to a lack of nutritional literacy. I believe if people are more nutritionally literate, meaning they both know what nutrients they are consuming and know how to read nutrition labels/facts, they will be able to understand how little effort is actually needed to shift from a convenient lifestyle to a healthy one.
Inflammation of muscles and organs from bad foods is the primary problem for most people with chronic pain. However, fixing poor eating habits is only a part of the battle (though it is the most important part). Eating better food will surely decrease inflammation overall, yet it will not take care of the circulation problem. Understand this: the key to longevity is to decrease inflammation and increase circulation. And eating cleaner takes care of a large part of decreasing inflammation. However, in order to increase circulation, we must move our bodies in effective ways with effective biomechanics. Yet, most people do not realize how poor their biomechanics actually are. So if you can first prioritize you’re healthy eating habits, you can then learn (FOR FREE) how to move effectively and how to properly fix your biomechanics.
The secret to longevity is simple: increase circulation and decrease inflammation.
Inflammation is the body’s immune response to anatomical irritations. When we are crippled with chronic poor posture, our body becomes irritated by gravity’s pressure and fights against gravity with compensatory asymmetrical imbalances. The compensatory asymmetrical imbalances eventually become fascial adhesion points or ‘knots’ in the body’s tissue. Because we sit too much and walk so little, our pelvis, glutes, and lower back take a toll. The anatomical imbalances caused by sitting too much and walking so little are exacerbated by the force of gravity. However, if we can fix our posture and rebalance our asymmetrical tendencies, then we allow our body to work with gravity and not against it.
When working against gravity, our body is unable to circulate blood properly and hydrate tissues properly. Without proper circulation and hydration, our body begins to build fascial knots and adhesions that will compensate for gravity’s push against asymmetrical imbalances on our body. These fascial knots or adhesions are the consequence of poor postural biomechanics, which, over time, constrict the circulation and hydration of blood and water to muscles and tissues.
The better our posture is, the more efficient our body’s circulatory system can operate. The better circulation and hydration our body maintains, the less it will be inflamed. The less inflamed the body is, the healthier you are.
To learn more about posture and how to improve your standard of living, click here.
Our bodies, like skyscrapers, depend on the structural integrity of its blueprint in accordance to the laws of nature - namely gravity. The blueprint of the human anatomy is corrupted by the modern world - namely from chronic sitting and a lack of efficient movement. Our nomadic ancestors (whose anatomy we’ve inherited) walked between 10,000 - 15,000 steps per day, whereas modern humans walk between 3,000 - 5,000 steps per day.
The modern human posture is so bad that the majority of people on the planet do not walk correctly. The effects of chronic poor posture implicate everything we do - from walking to circulating blood to the assimilation of nutrients and so much more.
To keep things simple, fixing your posture will increase the structural integrity of your body. The more integrated your body is with gravity and can move as one fluid chain, the more it can optimally function pain free.